Planeta Chardonnay 700ml
Experience the elegance of Sicily with Planeta Chardonnay, available at Carlo Delicatessen. This premium white wine, hailing from the sun-drenched vineyards of Menfi, captures the essence of its rich Sicilian heritage. With a deep golden hue and a harmonious blend of ripe yellow peaches, acacia honey, and marzipan, each bottle promises a uniquely refreshing experience. The palate delights with a creamy texture balanced by a crisp acidity, leading to a lingering, well-rounded finish with subtle hints of peat and toasted cereals. Perfectly paired with sophisticated dishes like seared foie gras or roast veal with mushroom sauce, Planeta Chardonnay is not just a wine, but a testament to the art of Sicilian winemaking. Indulge in the luxury of this celebrated Chardonnay, proudly offered by Carlo Delicatessen, your gateway to the finest Italian wines.