Prunotto Barolo Bussia 700ml
Savour a masterpiece of Italian winemaking with the Prunotto Barolo Bussia, now available at Carlo Delicatessen. This 700ml bottle captures the essence of the Nebbiolo grape, offering a luxurious ruby red hue with light garnet reflections. Renowned for its complexity and elegance, the Barolo Bussia features a bouquet of red oranges, pink pepper, and small wild berries, leading to a palate rich with silky tannins and vibrant freshness. Each sip concludes with a persistent finish, mirroring the aromas enjoyed on the nose. Proudly sourced from the amphitheater-shaped vineyard in the Bussia Monforte d'Alba area, this wine is a testament to tradition and quality. Carlo Delicatessen is delighted to bring this exquisite selection to your table.