
Prunotto Barbaresco 700ml

Discover the refined elegance of Prunotto Barbaresco, now available at Carlo Delicatessen. This exceptional red wine, sourced from the prestigious vineyards of Barbaresco in Piedmont, Italy, is a true testament to the art of Italian winemaking. Each 700ml bottle offers a deep garnet hue and a complex bouquet of red berries, subtle spices, and aromatic herbs. The palate is rewarded with a rich tapestry of flavors, including ripe cherries and hints of licorice, all underpinned by a velvety texture and a lingering finish. Matured with precision, Prunotto Barbaresco is celebrated for its balance and intensity, making it a perfect accompaniment to fine meals or a prized addition to any collector's cellar. Indulge in the heritage and craftsmanship of Prunotto with this exquisite wine, proudly presented by Carlo Delicatessen as part of our curated selection of premium beverages.


Prunotto Barbaresco 700ml